2019 DIY Dragon Boat Festival 竹藝飄香 龍舟玩藝

2019 DIY Dragon Boat Festival 竹藝飄香 龍舟玩藝

Course Object :

All people can participate
(Children over the age of 6 are better, children under 12 need to be accompanied by parents.)

A.「Bamboo Zongzi charm」(1) One Piece $ 190 (2) Two Piece $ 350 

B.「Bamboo dragon boat」$590 / Internet early bird Discounted prices $500

A+B Discounted prices $850 /Internet early bird Discounted prices $800(Original price 350+590=940 cheap $140)


A.「Bamboo Zongzi charm」
1.We choose [Healing Herbar] which was from Monga and had been there more than 40 years.

2. deodorant , insecticide ,also can avoid evil spirits and bless safety.

3. Soaking in herbar will help Relieve the stress.

B.「Bamboo dragon boat」
1. Collect and recycle suitable materials and advocate Environmental Protection .

2. A magnet has been added to the toys body so it can naturally attaches Office stationery to the itself.

3. bamboo toy balances near a table edge. magnetictoys products.

Production time:

about 20~90 minutes

Activity time :
[ Longshan Cultural Creativity B2 ]
Monday ,2 June 2019 pm2: 00 ~ pm 5 : 00

[ Ximen Red House 1F ]
Friday ,7 June 2019 pm2: 00 ~ pm 5 : 00,
Saturday ,8 June 2019 pm2: 00 ~ pm 5 : 00

Event registration


We are grateful to bamboo artist CIOU,JIN-DUAN and his team.Besides,very thankful to DeAnZhuQiXing company for providing us the remaining bamboos.

Every fund from this even will be donated TWD 50 to “Department Of Social Welfare,Taipei City Governmen “ to support for underprivileged families .

families .



Bamboo Zongzi and dragon boat origin
The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attemptsto rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifthlunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled withcooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the Chu Yuan.
龍舟競賽是端午節的傳統習俗,當時是為了營救愛國詩人屈原。屈原在公元前277 年的農曆五月初五跳入江河中淹死,中國居民將竹葉包滿熟飯丟入水裡。因此,魚可以吃米飯,而不是屈原

The celebration is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year.
It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door,If one manages to stand an egg on it’s end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.
在端午節舉行慶祝活動是為了趨吉避凶,祈求整年避免疾病以及邪惡的入侵。與眾不同的做法,每戶人家將草藥掛在門前,若能在當天中午12 點將蛋立起,那麼隔一年他將會是個幸運的人。


端午節DIY活動 Q&A

Q: When is the Dragon Boat Festival?
A: It’s (on) the fifth of the fifth lunar month.
Q:Could you tell me the origin of the two festivals?
A: The Dragon Boat Festival is a way to commemorate1 a great ancient poet named Quyuan.
Q:Where are these bamboos come from?
A:These are the remaining bamboos from bamboo furniture factory. We are trying to advocate the concept of environmental sustainability.
